What’s in Your Name?

Pythagorean Math: The Magic of Numbers & Letters

About This Course


We know that Pythagoras, Archimedes and Euclid were all great mathematicians. Did you also know that Pythagoras was one of the forefathers of the science of numbers and letters?

Many children in today’s generation struggle with our linear form of education, and find greater meaning in our numerical and alphabetical systems when they are taught how to relate to the energy in these symbols.

This course provides a new and fun way for your child to connect to the energy held within numbers and letters as they use their name to understand their unique blueprint for life. Not only do they develop a deeper relationship with our common symbols, but they also develop more confidence as they uncover their talents, desires, and unique path in life.

Aside from entering into a new relationship with numbers and letters, your child will have the opportunity to learn:

The hidden talents and traits contained in their name

A sense of confidence in their unique life path.

The energetic frequency of letters and numbers

Areas of growth and opportunity

A sense of purpose and motivation

A personal vision of success and happiness

This class is perfect for children, adolescents, and young adults, who…

  • Would like to understand their unique talents, traits and gifts on a deeper level.

  • Are interested in knowing how to apply these energies to their life path.

  • Want to understand how their life journey is perfectly aligned with who they are and what they have to offer.

  • Have been burdened with labels of disability or disorder.

  • Are ready to experience a renewed sense of hope and happiness

  • Would love to enter into a new relationship with our numerical and alphabetical system.

Other Benefits May Include

Feeling safer to express their authenticity

Greater self-confidence and motivation

Improved math skills and a sense of interest in the hidden meanings of numbers and letters

Seeing the underlying connections between numbers and letters

The recognition that each of us is unique and has something valuable to contribute

A sense of empowerment around strengths and interests

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 8 to 10, 10 to 14, 14 to 18

  • This class can be taught individually or in groups of 2 to 10students.

    Maximum class size is 10 students

  • Each session is 75 minutes and we meet over four consecutive weeks. .

  • This course is taught online or in-person in the West Los Angeles Area

  • Please click the green link below that says “CREATE YOUR CLASS.” Once your information is received, you will be contacted to discuss your specific needs and available offerings.

  • Parents or caregivers are responsible for putting a cohesive group together in age-appropriate groupings. We then work together to schedule the course.